JournaliciouslyEasy journalling!

Your online, always available, free, secure, and easy to use journal/diary/log book

  • Registration is always free, click here to register

    Self Care

    • Your Daily DiaryOnline and available 24-7-365
    • Enter your daily thoughts easily
    • Monitor medical stats
    • Start a Dream Diary
    • Helps you practice mindfullness
    • Track your mood
    • Enter your blood pressure or weight daily
    • Journaling is suggested for depression
    • Answer the questions that matter to you
    • Select an Emotion and adjust for how MUCH you're feeling
    • Adds up the "good" and "bad" answers - see your total for the day
    •  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0    -1   -2   -3   -4   -5   -6   -7   -8   -9  -10 
  • Liciously

    • Optional reminder emails with journal ideas included
    • Perfect for saving your memories when on a trip (trip diary!)
    • Answer questions, Journaling quick and easyGreat for gardeners to schedule seeding, planting, watering...
    • Record pictures of delicious dishes (food diary!)
    • Remember moments shared with loved ones
    • Journal your favorite restaurant meals
    • Store the ideas that pop up in your head (idea diary!)
    • Enter your family history
    • Your Online Digital Diary
    • Quick and easy to sign up and get startedWrite a book one small piece at a time!
    • Write your Memoir!
    • Keep track of how often you are doing something (anything!)
    • Log your actions/events
    • Save your life chronicles
  • Features

    • A private digital journal you can’t lose.
    • Security is paramount at JournaliciouslyDaily posts are encrypted
    • Lets you get your thoughts and feelings recorded quickly
    • Search to recall quickly
    • Highlight items, make things bold, insert a picture!
    • Add to your daily entry any time during the day!
    • The questions system is easy & quick, just select!
    • Create your own questions to answer daily
    •  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0    -1   -2   -3   -4   -5   -6   -7   -8   -9  -10 
  • Suggestions for successful journaling

    View Other Info
    • Try journaling first thing every morning
    • Or, try journaling last thing and tell your journal how your day went
    • Save a to do list every morning and update in the evening
    • Start small by just answering the built in questions
    • Try different techniques
      • Write a letter to your younger self
      • Write letters to people in your life, telling them what you can't say to their face.
      • Make a list of your favorite TV shows or musical bands
      • Plan a new hobby
      • Write for your eyes only
      • Start small, start tracking something small (like a new plant's growth)
      • Ask yourself questions, interview yourself.
      • Write a love letter to yourself
      • Write about a close friend and the first time you met
    • Journaling Prompts for Self-Discovery:
      • What do I know to be true that I didn't know a year ago?
      • What distractions get in the way of being my most productive?
      • When do I feel most in tune with myself?
      • If someone described me, what would they say?
      • What can wait until next week?
      • How does every part of my body feel in this moment?
    • Journaling Prompts for Managing Emotions:
      • What emotions am I holding on to?
      • How can I detach or neutralize this emotion?
      • Why am I doing X?
      • Why am I feeling this way?
      • What is causing these feelings?
      • Have I tried to take my ego out of the situation?
      • How can I detach my emotions from the behavior of others?
      • Did I use healthy boundaries before I began feeling this way?
    • Journaling Prompts for Anxiety and Depression:
      • What hurts right now? How can I find relief?
      • When I look in the mirror, what do I see?
      • What are the things in my home that are the most “me”?
      • What am I doing right now?
      • What happened before I felt a shift in my mood?
      • Write down an entire list of what you are worried about. Star the items that you know are 100% true and not solely a feeling.

Journaliciously is a free online journal, so you can to write down details of your life while on the go. It can be your always available daily diary, or travel log. All entries are secured with multiple security and encryption techniques.

It is also very useful to track anything you would like to keep track of. Maintenance is a good example, you can enter your own "questions" and keep track of how often you are completing those tasks. Oil changes, garden watering, plantings and harvesting are good to keep track of from year to year.

The beauty of Journaliciously is fully revealed after using it for a while. When you enter info for today, you can also see how you are doing for the week and month, along with links to all previous entries "Today in YOUR history".

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Anonymous Emotion Poll

Did you isolate from others at work, friends, or family today?

On a scale of +10 (very good)
to 0 (neutral) to -10 (very bad):
or skip and

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this question and get another!

Total answers for today: 15
Total of negative answers: -20
Total of positive answers: 52
Overall effect: 32
Today in History
1948 ‐  1st use of synthetic rubber in asphaltic concrete, Akron Oh
1923 ‐  Interpol forms in Vienna
1923 ‐  Mary Katherine Campbell (Ohio), 16, crowned 2nd Miss America 1922-23
1921 ‐  In Atlantic City, New Jersey, the first Miss America Pageant, a two-day event, is held
1916 ‐  Workmen's Compensation Act passed by US Congress
1915 ‐  Johnny Gruelle patents his Raggedy Ann doll (US Patent D47789)
1914 ‐  NY Post Office Building opens to public
1903 ‐  Federation of American Motorcyclists organized in NY
1901 ‐  Peace of Peking - Ends Boxer Rebellion in China
1896 ‐  A. H. Whiting wins the 1st automobile race held on a closed-circuit track in Cranston, Rhode Island
1888 ‐  Edith Eleanor McLean is 1st baby to be placed in an incubator at State Emigrant Hospital on Ward’s Island, New York
1880 ‐  Geo Ligowsky patents device to throw clay pigeons for trapshooters
1822 ‐  Pedro I, son of King Joao VI declares Brazil's independence from Portugal (National Day)
1813 ‐  "Uncle Sam" 1st used to refer to the US, by Troy Post of New York
1800 ‐  Zion AME Church dedicated (NYC)